This election year, do not let the zombies fool you! Support us and have the 2015 presidential campaign fact-checked.
The elections are coming up and we have got to be alert.
We want our leaders to speak the truth and debate based on data and facts. We want to increase the cost of lying and for that, we need your help.
We invite you to join Chequeado’s antizombie squad!
Anti-what squad? You heard correctly: Antizombie squad. Let’s join forces against those leaders that misinform and play with the data. We want you to be more alert than ever, to read us, to question us, to help us fact-check and to support us so that we can produce more and better news contents during the elections. This year, we want our candidates to have to earn each vote.
How do I join in?
What will you do with my contribution?
Your donation will help us finance Chequeado’s coverage to the presidential campaign: we need your support to produce more and better contents and improve our civic apps so that you can fact-check with us.
Candidates and relevant actors in the electoral debate are reading and citing Chequeado: presidential candidate Sergio Massa mentioned us 3 times in his debate with José Manuel De la Sota; Martín Lousteau, candidate for the city of Buenos Aires, also cited us twice and showed on air a sign with one of our fact-checks; Aníbal Fernández, National Chief of Cabinet, congratulated us for our work on Twitter (although he erased it afterwards); and congressman Juan Abal Medina asked us for a fact-check on Twitter.
For the elections in October, we want the presidential candidates to know that the Chequeado community is watching them.
Why a crowd-funding campaign?
To ensure our independence and sustainability, we resort to a different financial model from that of traditional media outlets. Crowd-funding helps us become even more diversified and pluralistic.
Read more about we finance our work and check out our own transparency and accountability page.
What is Chequeado?
Chequeado is the main project of Fundación La Voz Pública. We are a non-partisan, non-profit fact-checking site that works to promote the right to access to information and open data. We fact-check statements by politicians, economists, business representatives, public figures, media outlets and other opinion-formers. Statements are ranked from True to False according to their consistency with the data and the facts.
Why support Chequeado?
Because we have been fact-checking the public debate for five years for you to have better data to make more informed decisions.
Because we conduct live fact-checking events. This year we fact-checked the presidential speech at the opening of congress, the debate about housing by the mayoral candidates for the city of Buenos Aires, and the debate between Larreta, Lousteau and Recalde. We are also ready to fact-check the first presidential debate in Argentine history (if it gets confirmed).
Because the fact-checking method we developed has been replicated by 8 organizations in the region in Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, México, Peru and Uruguay.
Because we have been recognized for our work in journalism, innovation and social change by the Schimidheiney Award in 2015, the University of Queensland in 2014, LACNIC’s FRIDA Fund in 2013 and 2014 and the Gabriel García Márquez Journalism Award in 2013. We also received awards from HackLabs and the Citizen Innovation Lab in 2014 to develop civic apps.
Who makes Chequeado?
We are a team of young professionals dedicated to improving the quality of the public debate through greater access to information and open data. Laura Zommer , a journalist, lawyer and transparency and access to information activist, is our executive and journalistic director. In the newsroom we have four experienced fact-checkers: Olivia Sohr as coordinator and journalists Matias Di Santi, Ariel Riera and Manuel Tarricone. Pablo M. Fernández is our editorial innovation coordinator who helps make our community grow. H Merpert is our Education Coordinator and he works for there to be more fact-checkers and to generate awareness about the proper use of data in the public debate. Carolina Caeiro coordinates our Institutional Development program and, together with communicator Iván Echt and administration genius, Mariela Dellagiovanna, they ensure the sustainability of this project.